You’re confident that you have a great team. Above all, you want to help every team member develop their knowledge, skills and abilities to the max. However, when it comes to certain challenges, you’ve noticed some of the team faltering towards a fixed mindset. How to manage a fixed mindset at work, is a question most leaders ponder at some stage of their leadership journey. We share 5 hacks to inspire your team to use their growth mindset A game for success.
Create a Growth Mindset Culture
Immerse your team in an environment where growth mindset approaches and thinking are the norm at work. Model a growth mindset and your team will be inspired to bring their growth mindset A game to the workplace. Focusing on the following tips will enable you to transition your team to a growth mindset at work:
Emphasise Continuous Learning
Help your team appreciate that, to achieve the best performance, we’re never done with learning. Continuous learning is a powerful tool for creating a growth mindset team and organisation. For example, way back in 2004, Google introduced it’s “20% time” initiative, enabling all employees to spend 20% of their time learning via self-directed, innovative projects. Ensure a growth mindset at work by ensuring your team is able to regularly, set aside time for learning. As a result, you’ll be transitioning them to, what Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella refers to as “Know-it-alls to learn-it-alls.”
How to Manage a Fixed Mindset at Work? Welcome Counterpoint
One of the hallmarks of a fixed mindset leader is an unwillingness to be questioned. As a result, your team will hold back on sharing innovative ideas that could improve performance. Be clear that questions and counterpoint are not only welcome but valued within your team. For example, share success stories of how new ideas have created greater success for the team and company. Model your own growth mindset by inviting ideas to improve processes in the workplace. Share your curiosity for discovering new ways to increase performance. As a result, your team will regard you as a leader who encourages a growth mindset at work.
Share How You Work to Overcome Your Own Fixed Mindset Triggers
Remind your team that all of us experience certain triggers that can elicit a fixed mindset approach. Explain how you monitor your own thoughts to try and capture what triggers a fixed mindset for you at work. Consequently, your team will be keen to learn how you’ve successfully overcome these triggers. Regularly discuss your continual growth mindset process and how this has enabled you to advance your career and workplace expertise.
Think Big – Inspire Growth Mindset Across the Organisation
Sharing skills and expertise for organisational success is key to a growth mindset business. So many fixed mindset managers encourage their people to work in silos and be secretive about information that could enable the whole organisation to thrive. Encourage your team to share their knowledge and expertise and promote the benefits of a growth mindset approach across the entire organisation. As a result, when more people enthusiastically apply a growth mindset to an organisation’s vision and goals it becomes harder for those with a fixed mindset to ignore the message.
If you’d like to discover more tips to develop a growth mindset in the workplace, take a look at our other blogs and growth mindset at work courses and resources.
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