Growth Mindset Videos in 4 Minutes or Less

Short on time? 

Life is hectic and finding time to explore new ideas and insights can be less than easy. Today we’d like to share three fantastic short growth mindset videos that provide plenty of awesome growth mindset hacks in 4 minutes or less.

How to implement the psychology of success

In the first short video you’ll see growth mindset pioneer, Professor Carol Dweck, being interviewed by Sal Kahn of Kahn Academy Fame. Carol Dweck talks us through some great examples of her work with professionals in the world of sport and business. You’ll hear Carol Dweck’s examples of how to handle failure and approach challenges using the psychology of success.

Avoid the pitfalls of growth mindset misconceptions

The second video is a handy short that comes from the great resource that is Harvard Business Review. In this video you’ll discover how to spot the signs of a false growth mindset. Want to know how to avoid the pitfalls of growth mindset misconceptions? Is it enough, for instance, to espouse a growth mindset or do we need to delve more deeply? You’ll also hear great examples of companies that actively encourage a growth mindset culture.

What makes a growth mindset company stand out from the crowd?

Our final video is a whistle stop tour of growth mindset culture in organisations. Following this video, you’ll understand what traits make growth mindset companies stand out from the crowd. The video we’re sharing comes from Google’s interview with Carol Dweck and is an excerpt from a much longer interview. If this taster piques your interest you can find the full interview here.

We hope you’ve enjoyed these growth mindset videos in 4 minutes or less!

If you’d like to know more about growth mindset, take a look at our great section of free resources or take a deep dive into more growth mindset blogs and free resources here and at our sister site Planet Positive Change.

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